DROMEAS S.A. wishes to draw the attention of its shareholders and investors to the notification obligations that are laid down by the provisions of articles 9, 10 and 11 of law 3556/2007 and of decision 1/434/3.7.2007 of the BoD of the Capital Market Commission, which was issued pursuant to the law, as well as to the penalties provided for in the event of their breach. More specifically, in accordance with Law 3556/2007, it is the personal obligation of every shareholder of the company - the shares of which are listed on a regulated market - who acquires or disposes of shares with voting rights, and of every person, shareholder or not, who is entitled to acquire, dispose of or exercise voting rights, and as a result of their acquisition, disposal or exercise, the percentage of voting rights that s/he holds or exercises reaches, crosses or goes below the threshold of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 1/3, 50% and 2/3 of the total number of the company\'s voting rights or, provided that s/he holds a percentage of voting rights that is greater than 10%, thus making a change equal to or greater than 3% of the company\'s total voting rights, to concurrently inform the company and the Capital Market Commission as soon as possible and, in any event, at the latest within three (3) days of trading, the first of which is the day following the date on which s/he was notified or should have been notified of the acquisition, disposal of or possibility of exercising the voting rights.
Notification includes the following information:
(a) the percentage of voting rights that is held as a result of acquisition or disposal.
(b) the chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights are essentially held, provided that this situation applies.
(c) the date on which the percentage of voting rights reached, crossed or went below the above thresholds.
(d) The identity of the shareholder, even if she/he is not entitled to exercise voting rights, and of the person entitled to exercise voting rights on behalf of the said shareholder.
The above notification shall take place through the submission to our Company and to the Capital Market Commission of the TR1 notification form that is posted on Capitals Market Commission website (www.cmc.gov.gr), legally signed by the person subject to the notification obligation or by another person who is legally authorised, and in the event that the person subject to the notification obligation is a legal entity, then it should be signed by its legal representative. The form is accompanied by an annex, on which the persons subject to the notification obligation must fill in their personal details and then submit it to the Capital Market Commission only. The person subject to the notification obligation is responsible for the proper completion of the notification form and shall be liable for any inaccuracies and omissions.
The TR1 notification form should be submitted:
- To our Company head offices at, Shareholder Service Department, during working hours and days, or by sending a fax to the following number: +30 2321099270 (or to the following e-mail address: info@dromeas.gr). The person subject to the notification obligation must ensure the successful dispatch of the documents and their receipt by the Company\'s competent Shareholder Service Department.
- To the central registry of the Capital Market Commission at 1 Kolokotroni and Stadiou St., 105 62, Athens; it should be addressed to the Directorate of Public Offerings and Supervision of Listed Companies and it should be marked: "notification of significant changes to voting rights in accordance with law 3356/2007". Submission may also take place by sending a fax to the following number: +30 210 3377243. The person subject to the notification obligation must ensure the successful dispatch of the documents and their receipt by the competent registry service of the Capital Market Commission.
In the event of a breach of the above obligations, article 26 of law 3556/2007 provides the Capital Market Commission the authority to issue a reprimand or impose a penalty of up to €1,000,000.
For the best possible information of our Shareholders regarding the above, we have posted the following on our website: law 3556/2007, decision 1/434/3.7.2007 of the Capital Market Commission BoD, the relevant explanatory circular 33 of the Capital Market Commission and the TR1 notification form of significant transactions.